Herbs, perennial, terrestrial. Roots tuberous, fleshy. Stems erect, with slender sheaths. Leaves senescing before or at anthesis, petiolate; blade broadly elliptic. Inflorescences spikes, few-many-flowered, in spiral or sloping downward from center in all directions. Flowers resupinate; sepals similar, connivent; dorsal sepal adnate to back of column, concave; lateral sepals adnate to column foot; petals linear; lip with distinct claw, central cinnabar-red disc, and 3 green stripes near apex; column slender, widened toward apex, with decurrent foot at base; stigmas 2, confluent; rostellum linear-triangular, apex acuminate; anther ovate-cordate; pollinia clavate, viscidium oblong, short; ovary cyclindric. Fruits capsules.