Plants vinelike, clambering. Roots mostly aerial, but also in soil. Stems light green, 200-400 × 1-2 cm; ribs 4-6, acute; areoles 1.5-2.5 cm apart along ribs. Spines 7-8, yellow to blackish, conic, to 1 mm (rarely longer); radial spines 6-7, circular in cross section, hairlike spines absent; central spines 1. Flowers 12-14 × 7-8.5 cm; outer tepals narrow, oblong; inner tepals white to pink, narrowly oblong; areoles of ovary and flower tube spiny; scales and long hairs absent. Fruits not observed. 2n = 22.
Flowering time unavailable. Woodlands, [subtropical forests]; 0-20 m; Tex.; Mexico (San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas).