Rocky Mountain Herbarium (RM)

Founded in 1893 by Aven Nelson, the Rocky Mountain Herbarium (RM) contains the largest collection of Rocky Mountain plants and fungi in existence with additional representation of the floras of other parts of the Northern Hemisphere. It ranks 17th in the nation with 825,000 specimens [with approximately 25,000 new specimens added each year] and is the largest facility of its kind between St. Louis, Missouri, and Berkeley, California

Contacts: Ernie Nelson,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 7 January 2021
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rocky Mountain Herbarium
University of Wyoming
Department of Botany, Dept. 3165
1000 East University Avenue
Laramie, WY   82071-3165
307/ 766-2236 or 766-4393
"Ernie" Nelson
Collection Statistics
  • 869,434 specimen records
  • 685,437 (79%) georeferenced
  • 354,931 (41%) with images (356,433 total images)
  • 816,829 (94%) identified to species
  • 293 families
  • 1,738 genera
  • 8,574 species
  • 11,280 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Geographic Distribution
Click on the specimen record counts within the parenthesis to return the records for that term