t near Long Lake. Appears many people drive vehicles through it. On the edges and to the west is the sedge meadow, calcareous seep, or wooded prairie fen. The area on the west side is practially saturated with Sphagnum moss mounds and Toxicodendron vernix. Other prominent vegetation includes Larix laricina, Thelypteris palustris, Dasiphora fruticosa, Solidago patula, Carex, and Scheonoplectus. Also contained Drosera rotundifolia, pitcher plants, and Eriophorum. Some invasion by Frangula alnus. The southern portion of the fen is colonized by Typha angustifolia, T. x glauca, and Lythrum salicaria until the 2m wide channel. South of the channel has less dense L. salicaria and little T. angustifolia or T. x glauca. State and privately owned.
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