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Consortium of

Midwest Herbaria

Long Lake Fen

Authors: Pogue, CD; Zionce, R; Hackett, RA; Peters, S; Monfils, AK;
Citation: Pogue CP (2016) Local and landscape level variables related to Poweshiek skipperling presence in Michigan, USA prairie fens. Thesis, Central Michigan University
Locality: Long Lake Fen (42.758440, -83.556010)

Very long heterogenous fen with marked spots of high diversity and other large weedy zones. Fen elevated on norther and southern margins and depressed near central lakes (2). Bordered on north by woodland as well as on southern edge, but southern edge has a railroad and nearby row-crop agriculture. Typhaspp. appear to be heavily impacting fen. Owned by Consumers Energy, a Land Conservancy, Springfield Charter Township, Rose Township, and various private owners.

For more information about the Prairie Fen Research Collaborative, visit

Notes: Direct questions about data and data usage to Anna K Monfils (
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Families: 52.
Genera: 114.
Species: 162.
Total Taxa: 162.

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Clint Pogue CP126 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP126 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP126 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP126 [PFBP], more...
Clint Pogue CP125 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP125 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP125 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP125 [PFBP], more...
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