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Consortium of

Midwest Herbaria

Lime Lake Fen - Jackson County

Authors: Pogue, CD; Zionce, R; Hackett, RA; Peters, S; Monfils, AK;
Citation: Pogue CP (2016) Local and landscape level variables related to Poweshiek skipperling presence in Michigan, USA prairie fens. Thesis, Central Michigan University
Locality: Lime Lake Fen (42.187610, -84.544340)

Small fen located between two lakes. Remnant patch of prairie fen with majorly altered hydrology due to historic marl mining. Water table lowered dramatically, which results in much drier soils. Very marly area dominated by prairie grasses.

For more information about the Prairie Fen Research Collaborative, visit

Notes: Direct questions about data and data usage to Anna K Monfils (
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Families: 39.
Genera: 75.
Species: 91.
Total Taxa: 91.

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