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Consortium of

Midwest Herbaria

Liberty Fen (South)

Authors: Hackett, RA; Karbowski, HM; Peters, S; Monfils, AK;
Citation: Hackett RA, Monfils MJ, Monfils AK (2016) Evaluating a sampling protocol for assessing plant diversity in prairie fens. Wetland Ecology and Management 24:609–622. doi: 10.1007/s11273-016-9491-1
Locality: Liberty South Fen (42.067480, -84.458780)

Lakeside prairie fen around Braxee Lake and smaller Little Braxee Lake to the east. Sedge and Dasiphora fruticosa dominant with Salix, Cornus, and Toxicodendron vernix shrubs. Dense stands of Typha with moderately deep water separate fen on north side of Braxee Lake. Heron rookeries (old bog and current rookery) border the north side of fen. Invaded with Typha angustifolia, Phalaris arundinacea, Phragmites australis, and Lythrum salicaria. Private ownership.

For more information about the Prairie Fen Research Collaborative, visit

Notes: Direct questions about data and data usage to Anna K Monfils (
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Families: 31.
Genera: 58.
Species: 83.
Total Taxa: 83.

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